Matching event - Global Health

Cellular and Molecular Human and Veterinary Medicine
Apr 28, 2025  >  Apr 29, 2025

The University of Beira Interior and the HES-SO are organizing the UNITA Matching Event on Global Health on the 28 and the 29 April 2025 in Covilhã

The theme of this event is:  "Cellular and Molecular Human and Veterinary Medicine". This meeting is aimed at people from engineering sciences, humanities and social sciences, with the aim of working collectively on global health with a focus on noncommunicable and communicable diseases in humans and animals.


Note that a parallel event will happen in Brescia (IT) from 12th to 13th June on the theme “Mental and Physical Health, Wellbeing, and Prevention Medicine in Humans and Animals”. It is recommended to apply to the Matching Event that better reflects your work. The call for inscription will follow shortly.


The aim of these days is to strengthen our UNITA community by bringing together researchers who share the same scientific interests and initiating or strengthening collaborative projects. Following this event, a call for 'Starting Grants' will be published on the same subject, enabling the funding of research projects associated with this theme.

We are therefore asking each institution to send us, before February 15th , the list of researchers from your institution who will be taking part in this event, using the attached table. 

This event will begin on Monday morning 28th April and end Tuesday afternoon 29th April. There will also be an optional visit of labs on Wednesday morning 30th April.
The program for the Matching Event is available here : Download «Program_ME Global Health_UBI-HES-SO.pdf» (319.8 Ko)

Following these two days of events, participants will have the opportunity to attend the festivities celebrating the anniversary of the University of Beira Interior, on Wednesday 30th April 2025.

Download «Pratical Informations_UBI_.pdf» (414.3 Ko)

Download «Optional Programme ME_GH_HESSO_UBI_Apr25.pdf» (140.3 Ko)

Download «Visit Covilhã.pdf» (6.4 Mo)